Enough vacuous platitudes

Boulder’s bubble burst yesterday – we lost ten beautiful lives to horrific gun violence: Officer Eric Talley, 51, Tralona Bartkowiak, 49, Suzanne Fountain, 59, Teri Leiker, 51, Kevin Mahoney 61, Lynn Murray, 62, Rikki Olds, 25, Neven Stanisic, 23, Denny Strong, 20, and Jody Waters, 65.

The prior week, a judge overruled Boulder’s assault weapons ban. And the NRA who had brought the case celebrated.

AR-15 assault rifles have been used in so many of the mass shootings that have claimed hundreds of innocent lives. And it was the weapon used to commit mass murder at a Boulder grocery store.

“What can we do to end this senseless murdering?” are the words ringing in our ears and in our hearts. Of course at Quish we don’t invest in gun companies. But that’s just a first step. Here’s a few other things we can all do - now:

Support Moms Demand Action and/or Guns Down America. Together we are so much stronger. These organizations are a (relatively small) counterweight to the National Rifle Association (NRA).

The canard that our 2A rights are at risk when we ban assault rifles is ridiculous. Give Moms Demand Action and Guns Down America money, support their legislative agenda and attend their events and rallies. Sensible gun polices saves lives.

Six of the nation’s top 15 banks rank an “F” on gun violence prevention. Is your bank one of them? click the link and find out. Spoiler alert: Chase, F, Wells Fargo, F.

The nation’s largest banks must be held accountable and need to stop doing business with the assault weapons industry.

This Fox news story - decrying banks and online payment companies for bowing to gun control pressure - demonstrates how the loss of banking services disrupts the assault weapons industry.

If you bank scored an "F" they need to hear your voice – now. If you are antsy about talking with your banker about how they are aiding and abetting murderers, please reach out and we can work with you on talking points and steps you can take.

Shop at Dick’s Sporting Goods and not at Cabela’s. When you shop at Dick’s tell them you are there because you support their sensible gun policies.

Ed Stack, then CEO of Dick’s and a lifelong Republican took a stand after the Parkland shootings. Dick’s no longer sells assault rifles and no longer sells any firearms to people under 21.

Dick’s is dedicated to fishing and hunting and took a risk to take a stand against mass murder. Cabela’s on the other hand still stands firmly with the NRA.

Yes of course "our hearts go out to the victims".

Please though let’s show the grieving families and friends - and our grieving selves - that their deaths were not entirely in vain. Please together let’s do what it takes to get assault rifles out of the hands of civilians.