Help Wanted: Robots

With so much uncertainty in the present, it's hard to consider more uncertainty on the horizon.

So maybe we should just take a deep breath and get certain - the robots are here and more are coming.

Earlier this week, UPS Flight Forward announced that starting in May CVS will deliver prescriptions via drone to a Florida retirement community.

According to an economic study, for the prior three recessions nearly 90% of job losses took place in easily automatable occupations. And while automation tends to accelerate most dramatically during economic downturns, other studies show automation also increased during the post Great Recession go-go years.

In Japan, where there's a structural worker shortage, robots have taken over much of elder care including leading exercise classes

This pandemic has laid bare a seemingly untenable level of inequality - both in America and globally.

And to be sure, the fallout of the crisis will hasten automation - easily another stab in the heart of equality.

How can we collectively strengthen our resiliency, promote equality and have cute robots take care of our grandparents?

Solutions are hardly certain yet the need for them has never been more clear.